Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What is Deep Listening?


DEEP LISTENING is for anyone who wants to learn about the practice of experiencing heightened awareness of sound, silence and "sounding," as developed by pioneering composer Pauline Oliveros.

DEEP LISTENING can enhance depth of practice for meditators, artists in their respective practices, teachers who want to encourage an appreciation of listening in their students, community organizers who want to foster an environment in which all group members are equally heard, and for anyone interested in creativity, well being, relaxation, excitement and connection with their immediate environment. Use the DEEP LISTENING PORTAL Facebook page to create or join a study group to support your exploration of Deep Listening. DEEP LISTENING STUDY GROUPS are for anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace - online or offline.


Listening to the voice of our own true nature is what we really need to trust in. That voice is silence.

Tuesday Oct 16/2012

Just starting this blog as an exploration of the practise of Deep Listening.